Last January, I had the privilege of serving in the Dominican Republic with a medical team from D.C. We brought medical supplies and knowledge through clinics; both were very temporary fixes to a nation with overwhelming healthcare barriers. We saw over 400 patients, but it is the time we spent in prayer with them that I remember the most and I know brought the greatest healing. We spent one day in a Haitian refugee camp and were overwhelmed by the level of poverty compared to both the US (only hundreds of miles away) and even the DR. This week the same team is returning to the Dominican Republic on Saturday, and they are already making plans to drive the 10 hours over the Haitian border to bring relief. I know it is no coincidence that they are returning at such a time of need. Oh Lord, I pray that you soften and open the hearts of the Haitian people to receive help. I pray for medical supplies and team members to be increased by Your Hands, the same hands that increased just baskets of bread to feed 5000+ people. Oh Lord, be at your most miraculous! Bless Haiti and those serving them with patience, love, grace, and safety.

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