Sunday, May 3, 2009

swimsuit, schwimsuit

since moving to the city by the bay, I can count on one hand the number of times my legs have seen the sun, and I know for a fact that I was more tan 24 years ago as I came out of the womb than I am today...

today I braved many a woman's fear or maybe just mine- the swimsuit dressing room- I had only one emotional breakdown, actually left the store with purchases, and have eaten since then, so ultimately it was a great success. Below is one of my new suits designed by JuicyCouture (p.s. that's not me in the picture...just in case you were confused)

1 comment:

  1. PEARLS! found your blog. LOVE it. check out mine: ...(I gotta use this hominy blog to comment on blogspot blogs!) i'm bookmarking yours, can't wait to read more! MISS YOU!!! -Alyse
