Monday, March 29, 2010

day 87...disco Sunday

Sundays in the Golden Gate Park...
(yes Courtney, I did just "THE" it)

come with a little bit of magic.

Sorry that I'm annoyingly laughing the whole time. I hate my laugh.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

day 74 1/'s not like i like litter or something

p.s. on my way home from work today,

there were pink package peanuts

all the way down my sidewalk.

I hope someone litters some

pink glitter tomorrow.

it made me


day 74...sacrilegious?

...I swear that I have not forgotten about this blog. I have however been trying to upload a video onto here unsuccessfully for the past week entitled Disco Sunday (that's right, get excited!) But I must find a tech-savvy person in my life to help.

...and I'm coming home in 3 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes, and 4 seconds. But it's not like I'm counting or anything. Or excited! Or rEaLlY, REaLLy, EXCITED!!! I better see you when I'm there.

(disclaimer- the following information is not to be used later as material to ensnare me, kidnap me, or make me feel guilty about not moving back to the South right now)

okay now that we have that straight.

I'm homesick.

and I'm not the "I'm 8 years old and away at summer camp for the first time" type. So it's been really hard, mostly on my pride.

Chelsea (sweet and hilarious Chelsea Brink, I miss you) wrote a few months ago that God's voice might very well sound like Ray LaMontagne's. Yes, I know that probably sounds somewhat sacrilegious, but I completely agree with her. I'm not even sure if Ray LaMontagne loves the Lord, but when he sings Shelter (his best song in my opinion even though most people prefer Jolene), my heart feels understood.

So today I want you to listen to Be Here Now (actually go ahead and just listen to every song of his you can find because it won't be waste of your time). I think it will be a blessing to you. Sacrilegious or not, when I hear this song, all I here is the Lord encouraging me, loving me, and sweetly and gently comfirming the one question I stay.