Saturday, February 20, 2010

day dweller seeking optimism

Dear Liz- I really love that you've started blogging and that you share refreshingly deep thoughts. If anyone wants to have moments of "ooh I really think that too" or "oh that makes sense that way" or just want to laugh then you should check out her blog here.

So Liz, because you asked (but probably didn't expect such a long answer), here is my response to your latest post.

"ya know, that family that i've been promised, along with that husband"
I realized somewhere along that crazy journey of stepping out of the box that I am so lucky to be single. (of course a boyfriend would always be nice, maybe a little hard but nice) But I wouldn't be able to be living the experiences I am without singleness. I can rest (keyword= rest, not work) wholeheartedly in the assurance that the Lord will provide exactly what I NEED and He will never forget what I WANT. And He probably does not need daily reminders (minute by minute actually) of my anxious desires. The simplicity of the Lord never forgetting me is so beautiful and calms me every time I think of it. So Lizzie today, my blogpost is for you. The Lord has not forgotten that you love cities and the way they shape and form those who dwell in them. He has not forgotten your love for your home in Charleston (I agree completely). He has not forgotten that you live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. He has not forgotten the way He made you. Though we easily forget that He did in fact make us.

...and for future reference, when I think of a city, I think of lives bustling about one another, and from within, it might appear chaotic, but from the outside it appears to be moving in a synchronized, well choreographed dance towards productivity. It's about interacting with people at every level of your life, neighbors on top of you, loud music beside you, strangers making you feel uncomfortable, and never knowing what will happen next. So basically you should move to San Francisco when your time in Auburn comes to an end. The average person lives in San Francisco for two years, which means every two years, the city is brand new, refreshed with new ideas, new passions, and new friends. Love you!

Monday, February 15, 2010

day 45...confession of my love for...

...pants that are not pants.
Carol Hannah- Did you tell on me?
The Lady Likes...

Because apparently they're now giving out surgeon general-like warnings.

Next thing you know there will be real fashion police.

and I'm in trouble.

Friday, February 5, 2010

day 36. my number one dream right now...

it might be slightly lame, but I just discovered that my favorite website Someecards allows you to create your own cards using their images. So of course, my number one dream right now is to create one that is good enough to be featured as an editor's pick. Do not be alarmed if you get a large amount of e-cards from me in the near future.

my first creation.

my absolute favorite one of all time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

day 33. swiss family pearls?...

would anyone care to move with me here and start our own little tree house family?

I promise it will be delightful and full of delicious treats and singing and storytelling.

I have always dreamed of having a tree house.

And if anyone is wondering why the Charleston Public Library has an empty Swiss Family Robinson dvd case, I may or may not be responsible.